Top 6 Things to Know Before Buying Solar

Investing in solar panels for your home can be a fantastic decision. However, it’s likely you know very little about solar before buying it. As with anything, it makes sense to do a little research and learn what you’re getting into before spending your hard earned cash.

Bearing that in mind, we’ve put together a list of the top things to know before you purchase solar panels:

Solar Energy Provides Your Home With Clean Power

By buying solar panels for your home, you will greatly minimize your carbon footprint. This energy source is designed to use the sun, and turn its power into usable energy. This energy can be converted, then used to power your central heating or electric system. This whole process involves no fossil fuels and no carbon emissions. In comparison, regular energy generation is normally a process that involves burning things like coal or oil to create electricity or heat. This releases dangerous gases into the atmosphere, damaging the planet.

Solar Panels Work Best On A South Facing Roof

It’s often recommended that your roof is facing south and at an angle of around 30 degrees, to make solar panels work more efficiently. This is the ideal installation for optimum energy performance. However, it’s not essential. If your roof faces a different direction, then panels can still be installed. The effect will still be good enough to provide your home with clean energy, but a south-facing roof will always fare better.

You Won’t Be Left In The Dark When The Sun Goes Down

One of the most popular questions people have regarding solar panels is; what will happen when there’s no sun out? A lot of people assume this means your house won’t get any electricity or central heating power. On the contrary, you can still generate energy in your home. There are two ways you can do this; by storing solar energy in a rechargeable battery, or by tapping into the grid. Your home can still be connected to the grid when you have solar panels. This allows you to generate energy the same way you did before getting solar panels, in events where solar energy generation is low. During the summer months, when it’s sunny more often, and the sun is out for longer, you can store up solar energy and use it when it’s dark, saving even more money.

Solar Panels Will Add Value To Your Home

The prospect of buying a solar energy system is scary for a lot of families. Mainly, this is because they don’t want to spend the money, particularly if they see themselves moving out of the house in the next decade or so. However, you need not worry about this, as solar panels can add value to your home. A home with solar panels will always sell for more than the exact same home without them. Buyers are keen to purchases houses that already come with a solar system, saving them from having to install one. As a result, they’ll often pay over the odds, as they know they’ll see the benefits in the future.

Homeowners Can Enjoy Tax Benefits With Solar Panels

Currently, there’s an initiative offered by the government called the solar tax credit. It’s often referred to as the ITC (investment tax credit), and you can use it to reduce your taxes. The whole aim of this tax credit is to let you save money on the installation of your solar energy system. You can claim back 30% of what it cost to install your panels and deduct it from your tax bill. Consequently, you can save thousands of dollars when you choose to go solar.

There Are Different Solar Systems Out There

Most people think that installing solar panels is simple as they just choose a company and buy them. However, different companies use different systems, so it’s important to know what you’re getting. Many of the solar systems on the market use separate panels that could be produced by different manufacturers. They also come with inverters, which are boxes that convert the electricity generated by the panels, making it usable in your home. However, you can now find more advanced systems that are entirely produced by the same manufacturer, and come with built-in inverters, meaning you don’t have to deal with the ugly boxes.  

Think about these six things before deciding whether or not solar panels are for you. Hopefully, they’ll help you become more informed, leading to a confident decision that you won’t regret.